Learn something new every day with the ‘On This Day’ Wall Calendar

On This Day Wall Calendar

It’s not every day you see something as cool as this. Not only is this calendar a beautifully designed piece for your wall, it also doubles as your study tool for kicking butt at Jeopardy.

This calendar is printed using thermal inks, allowing all the interesting facts to remain hidden until the heat of your finger reveals today’s words. On top of that, this cool calendar is designed to start whenever you want and if you choose to leave it blank, you can keep it up FOREVER. How’s that for awesome?

On this Day Wall Calendar Details

So next time you want to see just how special today really is, rub your finger over the day and presto! You suddenly know that your dentist appointment falls on the exact same day Babe Ruth played his last baseball game. And hey! Your next cruise is coincidentally on the same day when the Titanic sank.

Hmm. That’s kind of a bummer. Oh well.

So what will you do when all this fantastic knowledge rubs off on you by the end of the year? Besides being the most popular person at parties, if you ever win at Jeapoardy, you owe me.

Big Time.

Grab your ‘On This Day’ calendar from Luckies here

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