Know your weight wherever you go with this wifi scale for the iPhone

Withings wifi body weight scale

This gadget is a weight scale made to work with the iPhone. When you weigh yourself it sends a signal through wifi to your iPhone recording your weight.

Here are some features:

  • Easy weight and fat mass monitoring on a private website secured by a password
  • Personalized multi-user monitoring thanks to an automatic user recognition (up to 8 users)
  • Body analysis (fat mass, lean mass and bmi)
  • Free iphone application to monitor your weight and fat mass
  • Graduation 0.2 lbs (0.1 kg) – 4 sensors, maximum weight 396 lbs (180 kg)
Okay, so it looks pretty cool. I’m not sure if I want to be aware of my weight ALL the time, but it might actually help me keep a routine better than having to physically input things on my iPhone. I usually find there’s no time to do anything like that, but standing on a scale – that I can do.
*Update: 2 weeks later. Okay I’ve totally forgotten to stand on the scale.

Get your own WIFI scale for your iPhone here

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1 Response to “Know your weight wherever you go with this wifi scale for the iPhone”

  1. 1 jacques Aug 1st, 2010 at 5:13 PM

    i love it
    youre the best
    i phone is the best

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