Keep your gloves on and answer the call with Touchscreen Glove Tips

Touchscreen Glove TipsGlove Tips on Gloves

Glove Tips on Mittens

Keep those fingers warm and useful with the Glove Tip. The Glove Tip lets you use your touchscreen devices while still wearing your winter gloves. The Glove Tip is designed with skin-sensitive conductive material, and passes the static electricity from your finger, through your glove, to your touchscreen. AMAZING!

Smartphones, tablets, digital music players and other touch-screen devices use the natural electric current from your skin to work. However, wearing gloves stops the touch-screen from registering the finger.

Simply attach the new “Glove Tip” to your gloves and the natural current from your skin will pass through the glove, to the touch-screen device and presto! You are able to work your phone while still wearing your gloves. Hooray!

What are the pieces?

The Glove Tip is made of a backing that goes in the inside of the glove and a tip that is pressed into the backing, on the outside of the glove. High-grade materials have been chosen to be skin sensitive and conductive enough for ease of use, while also being both soft enough for the screen.

Designed to be used instinctively and work with stylus-like accuracy, the Glove Tip can be attached anywhere on all casual gloves and mittens. For example some people use the very tip of their index finger, while others may use the side of their finger or thumb.

Brilliant. What a neat idea!

Here’s another tip, you can get them here from Chapters Indigo

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2 Responses to “Keep your gloves on and answer the call with Touchscreen Glove Tips”

  1. 1 Oct 22nd, 2013 at 1:23 PM

    But when the escape becomes far more critical
    than reality therein lies the problem.

  2. 2 Oct 22nd, 2013 at 1:58 PM

    A physician can aid you realize these pitfalls.

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