Inflatable balls holding people going 45mph on water? Yes please.

spinning tow ball

This gadget is intense. First there were water skis, inner tubes, wake boards and now this, the Spinning Tow Ball:

A giant inflatable ball that spins uncontrollably across the surface of the water.


They are deemed totally safe, even when hitting and bumping into one another. AND they are so scary you can rest assured you’ll probably knee yourself in the face and pee your pants simultaneously.

Just look at how much fun this guy is having. If only you could hear him.

spinning tow ball
John Candy: “You bastards!”
Faster? Okay!

Get your own spinning tow ball of death here

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1 Response to “Inflatable balls holding people going 45mph on water? Yes please.”

  1. 1 Greg Jul 6th, 2010 at 5:40 PM

    There are a lot of balls on this website…

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