If a stapler has no staples is it still called a stapler?

Stapless Staplers

This stapless stapler is an oxymoron. Yes it staples. But it never uses a staple. Balderdash.

First of all, can this even be called a stapler? Interesting question. I’m glad you asked.

So without further adieu, I bring to you, One More Gadget’s new official names for the ‘Stapless Stapler’.

• Paper foldy connection thing
• Anti-Stapler 2.0
• Thingymabopper Papermajig
• Stapless Stapler

Alright. You got me. The Stapless Stapler works the best. I am glad however this was invented after the original Stapler. Because without the stapler, these great moments in Stapler history would have never happened:

Get your own ‘Stapless’ Staplers from BudgetGadgets here

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3 Responses to “If a stapler has no staples is it still called a stapler?”

  1. 1 Michelle McKendry Jan 14th, 2011 at 12:55 PM

    You like it ’cause it’s orange.

  2. 2 Michelle McKendry Jan 14th, 2011 at 12:56 PM

    I’m voting for ‘paper foldy connection thing’. Pretty much says it all.

  3. 3 GB Feb 16th, 2011 at 9:53 AM

    Ode to the stapler: The Office: Dwight’s stapler set in jello

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