ICOON Personal Picture Global Dictionary uses icons for everything


The Icoon Personal Picture Dictionary is a pretty neat idea developed by a pretty clever Graphic Designer chick. It’s basically a visual dictionary (travel size) that you can take anywhere and use instead of learning a language. Which I think is great because who really wants to learn a new language anyways.

I remember when I was a kid I spent an entire summer learning Pig Latin because of these cool war pig toys. But when new ‘Food Fighter’ toys came out, pig latin went out of style and I was hooped.


Each page is nicely designed into categories with easy to find tabs so you can quickly find what you are looking for. And trust me, it’s useful.  If you are ever visiting China never use charades to tell someone you want a dragon fruit. You’re just asking for it.


This seafood section is as good as useless in my opinion. First of all, who would want seafood? And second of all, there’s no icoon for a deep fryer!

But anyways, here are some book facts:

• The book weighs only 60 grams and measuring a mere 9 x 12 centimetres.

• 2.000 useful Icons includes 400 colour photos

• 12 categories

• 76 pages

• World- and continent maps

• Foil-coated wrapper

• High-quality sewn binding

Get the pocket pocket book here


Icoon iPhone app here for just 99 cents.

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1 Response to “ICOON Personal Picture Global Dictionary uses icons for everything”

  1. 1 silena Nov 16th, 2009 at 8:33 PM

    That is very useful, it save us so many time to learn new languages while to a new contry.

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