I can see the toast clearly now the toasters gone, it’s a clear toaster

clear toaster

Unfortunately still just a concept, the clear toaster is a nice idea. Why not let us see the toast while its toasting? That way we never have to burn our toast. I like it. And while you are at it, make one for 20 pieces of toast and give it to that restaurant. You know, that restaurant that is always burning my toast. Jerks.

My fault though, I still go. Nice waitresses. If you know what I’m saying.

Invention found on DailyMail

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1 Response to “I can see the toast clearly now the toasters gone, it’s a clear toaster”

  1. 1 Ira Mann Oct 9th, 2009 at 10:09 AM

    I think your toaster is a great idea. You could watch to see how brown you would want your toast ot be. Keep thinking up these clever ideas. Thanks.

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