Hurting yourself was never this delicious, mmm Bacon Bandaids nom nom

Mmm, I want these. Look people, not only are you purchasing the awesomeness that is bacon in a band-aid form, you are also getting a FREE TOY INSIDE! I have to add though, these are latex bandaids, so…if you do have an allergy to latex you should probaby stay away. Unless the strength of your addiction to bacon forces your allergic reaction of latex into submission.

I’m no doctor but I am pretty sure this is highly probable.

I’m also not going to mention the possibility of there being an allergy to bacon because that would just be proposterous. No one is allergic to bacon. And if anyone says they are, they are liars.

Get your own delicious bacon bandages and make everyone else wish they hurt themselves

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2 Responses to “Hurting yourself was never this delicious, mmm Bacon Bandaids nom nom”

  1. 1 quelle Jul 8th, 2009 at 10:07 PM

    i hope the free toy is an egg – sunny side up.

  2. 2 onemoregadget Jul 8th, 2009 at 10:18 PM

    It’s probably a little blood pressure monitor.

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