How to grow your own Venus Fly Trap with this handy growing kit

Venus Fly Trap Growing Kit

The Grow Your Own Venus Fly Trap Kit makes growing a Venus Fly Trap a snap. And growing one is even easier if you follow these handy tips:

1. Keep the Roots Moist

• Venus fly traps are somewhat swamp plants, they need moist soil at all times, so imagine that feeling when you pee your pants. Awful isn’t it? Well Venus likes this feeling.

2. They like poor acidic soil

• Don’t fertilize these guys, keep it simple
• They like acidic soil, that’s soil with a PH below 7
• Want to make your soil a bit more acidic? Try adding some oak leaves or a few coffee grounds. Not only is it acidic, it smells great too. Unless you burnt your coffee beans, and if that’s the case, you have bigger problems.

3. Keep it humid

• These guys grow best in an environment with glass, like a fish bowl, terrarium or aquarium. Please remove your fish first, that’s just mean.

4. Plenty of sunlight

• Give it about 6-8 hours of daylight and sunlight a day
• If it starts to go limp on you, give it some fresh air and cool it down a bit (and put on some sexy music)

5. Don’t over feed it.

• It is after all, just a plant. So he just needs water, when he’s bigger he may like a fly, spider or cricket once a month. But don’t feed these guys ants, caterpillars or hamburger meat, that stuff is gross.

Once you know these basic rules, everything you will need is included in the kit.

  • Compost Disc
  • Packet of Seeds
  • Miniature Terracotta Pot
  • Instruction Booklet
  • Measures approximately 6 cm x 6 cm x 6 cm

So can you make it survive the winter?

If you can, you are lucky! And expect this awesome plant to grow to about 5 inches in diameter.

WARNING: Don’t grow it too big. Signs of it growing too big are:

  • It has an appetite for small dogs
  •  It watches TV at night
  • When it’s hungry it starts calling you “Seymour”

Get your own Venus Fly Trap Growing Kit right here and feed him, Seymour


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1 Response to “How to grow your own Venus Fly Trap with this handy growing kit”

  1. 1 jacobi Jan 25th, 2013 at 1:37 PM


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