How to get rid of 20,000 flies with the non-toxic fly trap

20000 fly non-toxic fly trap

No, it’s not the largest Venus Fly Trap known to man. It’s just one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen.

This fly trap works best in barns, farms, homes, and my dirty laundry room. But I swear, if I ever go to someone’s house and I see one of these in their kitchen – I’m outta there.


Well, the illustration shows just how effective it is. It appears the flies will swarm to it in a frenzy. Possibly even attracting the thousands of flies from your neighbours yard. Murderous.

Kind of like pushing thousands of buffalo over the edge of a cliff.

Now I’m not saying that this thing is the right thing to do. I’ll admit I take a moment to think about life a bit when I smack a fly with my electric tennis racket. As enjoyable as it is.

Hmm, if they could only replace that non-toxic bait with something that attracts mosquitoes….

Get your own 20,000 fly catching fly trap here

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1 Response to “How to get rid of 20,000 flies with the non-toxic fly trap”

  1. 1 Strideorthotics Mar 21st, 2011 at 5:01 AM

    Did you counted those Flies 🙂

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