How does it work? CNN’s Barrack Obama election night Hologram

Remember that night of firsts?

Well it was cool and all, but what was also cool was the hologram they used on CNN. How’d they do it and where the heck can I buy it or make one myself?

Made possible by technology from SportVu and Vizrt, the setup is quite extensive. The person being projected into CNN’s studio is shot on location by 35 high-def cameras in a ring. The cameras capture the subject’s entire body image and transmit it to the studio, synced with cameras in the studio so the image moves properly. Both infrared as well as visual information are used to ensure the image is properly rendered. Dozens of computers on both sides are needed to process all the data for the system to work.

Wow that sounds complicated. I’m not sure if this thing will catch on. However, like the tell tale with every invention, you only really find out if its going to stay if they somehow end up using it in a porno.

The major bummer to me on this one? Well, its not actually a hologram. Its only a cheesy fake hologram for live TV. Yeah, I know. That whole setup isn’t to actually project a hologram, its just a fake for the benefit of everyone watching live television to THINK Cooper was actually seeing a hologram. What a liar.


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