Hide things in the back with the iMac BackPack™

imac backpack adjustable shelf

A company by the name of TwelveSouth has come up with some pretty sweet additions for your mac products. And they actually make them even cooler. Yah I know eh? Like that’s even possible.

One of my favorite ideas is the BackPack. It’s an adjustable shelf that attaches to the back of the iMac.

iMac Backpack

Here are some features:

• Perfect for hiding portable hard drives, card readers or other USB gadgets
• Keeps things off the desktop
• Since it’s adjustable there’s enough room for two, or three
• They match the quality of the iMac and are ventilated for devices to stay cool
• Easily adjustable and will not scratch

All that sounds great and all, but what I like the best is that it’s not actually a backpack. What a relief.

Ah who am I kidding. Slap an apple logo on grandmas pound cake and I’m buying it.

Hit the jump for more cool iMac inventions from twelvesouth

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