Here’s a laptop sleeve that really delivers, brown envelope stylez

Yellow Undercover Laptop Sleeve Review

Check this out! That little brown apple envelope ain’t got nothing on this one! This cool yellow envelope might appear to be just an ordinary envelope – but ha ha! It’s the perfect disguise for your valuable laptop.

Complete with a padded soft interior and durable tear-proof exterior – you’ll be brown baggin’ it in no time!

This cool laptop sleeve is also fully adjustable, easily resizing to fit anything from a big laptop all the way down to an e-reader comfortably. It also protects it from scratches, is water resistant and quite nice to hold.


Undercover Laptop Sleeve Review Detail

The best thing about this sleeve is you can now feel safe taking your laptop to the sketchy parts of town. No thief would even expect there to be anything of value in this crumpled brown envelope. Suckers. The odds are that you’ll still get your butt kicked but this brown envelope will still remain by your side. Genius. I wonder if I can get a bigger envelope for my car?

Undercover Secret Laptop Sleeve Review

This is technically the best use for a brown envelope since the time that guy got people to place all their gold in an envelope and mail it to him. And this is better because if you want, you can address this envelope to yourself.

Get your awesome undercover laptop sleeve from Luckies here

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