Grow your own weed with just water and this simple gadget

Grow Your Own Weed

Had you fooled didn’t I?

This novelty gift item is 100% legal and it’s the perfect gift for that free spirited friend of yours. That’s code for hippy.

Grow in water Marijuana. Genius. I think I can safely say this little gadget was invented while someone was high, but stranger things have happened I guess.

It can grow up to 600% larger in just a few hours when submerged under water. But geez man, a few hours? That’s like forever dude. What the heck are we going to do in the meantime man? That’s like longer than an hour or something.

But hey man, you know what we just put the water in? A pot man.

That’s like irony dude.


█♥█ Get a stash of these cool leaves right here dude

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