Green Aid fights the war on plastic with a resusable bag in a portable plush grenade

Green Aid

These days everyone should be aware about the use of plastic bags. With big companies still handing them out it’s really up to us to make a difference. Did you know the average person uses and throws away 290 plastic bags in a year? That’s insane!

Opened Green Aid Bag

Green Aid is a handy little gadget that makes it easier to be green. Each grenade stores a durable, reusable bag that’s ready to be used whenever you shop and can be easily attached to your pants, jacket or backpack.

War on Plastic Grenade Green Aid

Just clip it on and you are ready to fight the war on plastic. Personally, I’ve been reusing bags for years and years. I guess you could call me a War on Plastic Vet.

Oh the stories I could tell.

One time, while shopping, I got two bags of cashews for the price of one. I think the cashier possibly rang it through wrong, but I didn’t realize until I made it home. And man, those free cashews tasted twice as good as the others. Ohhhh yeaaah.

Be a war hero and get your Green Aid right here

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1 Response to “Green Aid fights the war on plastic with a resusable bag in a portable plush grenade”

  1. 1 Robin Earl Feb 23rd, 2012 at 7:57 AM

    The grenade is great, but where’d you get that canvas bag? I love it!

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