Giant Gummy Bears the best invention ever?


Not many people know this, but we like candy. Candy, when it’s cool enough is worthy of being on OneMoreGadget. We are aware this is not a gadget, but seriously, a Gummy bear on a stick? The stick is gadget-like, right? Yah we thought so too.


1 Giant Gummy Bear is equal to 88 regular gummy bears, genius.

As you can see there’s a certain scientific principal that has gone into the creation of the Giant Gummy Bear. Here’s something else scientific for you. Each Gummy Bear is about 1000 calories.

Hit the jump to get your very own Obese Giant Gummy Bears

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1 Response to “Giant Gummy Bears the best invention ever?”

  1. 1 nonyabizzwackzbithezl0ljk Aug 5th, 2009 at 3:50 PM

    yum but 2 many calories l0l anyways um u should c da gummy bear lights dey r on dey r sooooo cute but rather expensive l0l me want dem :p

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