Get your teacher an apple she can write on. The Kudamemo Fruit Notepad

The Kudamemo Fruit Notepad is a pretty unique gift idea. They are notepads that unfold to look like a pear or an apple. Each piece of paper has colored edges and the seeds of the fruit are printed on the inside. The more of the sheets you use – the better the notepad looks!

They are shipped all folded up with all the pieces in a plastic sleeve. Each memo pad, either a pear or an apple comes with:

• High Quality Paper for writing notes (150 sheets)
• A colored paper clip
• An actual twig for the stem
• A real fruit PE net
• Instructions (sticker form)

It’s a pretty unique and interesting gift for that ‘designy’ friend of yours, or even a teacher. As long as they know it’s not edible. Trust me, I tried. Not a pretty sight.

And even though I think it would be pretty sweet to have a pen that looks like a worm, my only problem with this is…there’s no orange.

Get your LARGE apple memo pad here
Get your SMALL apple memo pad here

Get your LARGE pear memo pad here
Get your SMALL pear memo pad here

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2 Responses to “Get your teacher an apple she can write on. The Kudamemo Fruit Notepad”

  1. 1 Rita Rodrigues Apr 9th, 2011 at 4:07 PM

    Hi, we sell it too : )

    Thanks ,Rita.

  2. 2 Serena Mao Apr 12th, 2011 at 3:17 PM

    hoooly. this is so unique. (:
    i loove it.

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