For that fashionable drinker it’s the Skeleton Key Bottle Opener by SuckUK

Suck.UK Keychain Bottle Opener

These keys come in pretty handy in a thirsty situation. They appear just like a normal key, but wait, what’s this?

Bottle opener.


You know how hotel maids have those master keys that open pretty much everything? Well this is better. This my friends is the key to success. And by success I mean getting drunk. Stay thirsty my friends. Thirsty for awesome gadgets.

Overall our rating of this product is quite high due to it’s high success rate at opening bottles. We think it’s about 100%. So far it’s been tested on every single beer bottle we can think of and we never had a problem. However, when it came to the last bottle we couldn’t remember exactly how many we had opened due to experimental testing beyond our control.

Okay okay. We were drunk.

Get your own Skeleton Key Bottle Opener here from SuckUK

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1 Response to “For that fashionable drinker it’s the Skeleton Key Bottle Opener by SuckUK”

  1. 1 liv Dec 23rd, 2010 at 2:10 PM

    damn that looks good. I want one for christmas!!

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