Fleece sweater displays temperature on sleeve


The temperature sweater has a temperature display on each sleeve. One sleeve in Fº and one in Cº. I dunno about you but this is the perfect gift for any girl you know with dirty feet.

No, but seriously. It seems that every girl in the world talks about two things. That guy from Grey’s Anatmony that always looks like he’s going to cry and being cold. So what is better than being able to check one of those off the list and have them know its 90 degrees out and a fleece sweater isn’t necessary and they are crazy.


Being Canadian I can tell you one thing. This “fleece” looks like felt and someone really needs to get this girl a pair of shoes.

Hit the jump for more information on the awesome (sorta) temperature sweater.

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4 Responses to “Fleece sweater displays temperature on sleeve”

  1. 1 Talvesh Jul 27th, 2009 at 8:13 PM

    *blink blink* WHY!?

  2. 2 Phil E. Drifter Jul 28th, 2009 at 1:59 AM

    Can i shag the girl?

  3. 3 Baby Sweaters Jan 31st, 2010 at 9:33 AM

    I have to say I am not impressed with this idea. If you are trying to decide what clothing to wear, why would you want to look at the sleeve of this sweater? It will be folded up in a drawer, right? And this is the indoor temperature, which will be pretty constant anyway. If we are out in very cold weather, the temperature will be thrown off by your body heat and outer layers. What about those outer layers? They are going to make it hard to see the temperature. Seriously, I think I will pass on this and get a thermometer to put on the wall. Hats off for trying, anyway.

  4. 4 Briana Nov 18th, 2011 at 11:58 AM

    I would like to know if I get more information on this product so I can get an idea

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