Fireplace technology goes to the LCD with the infamous video fireplace

Fireplace DVD

This ambient fireplace appears to be the typical video fireplace that you might find on your local cheap channel during Christmas Day. But at a second glance this DVD fireplace video comes with some impressive options:

  • Nine (9) Video Fireplaces of REAL, Wood-burning fires. These are not computer generated.
  • Three (3) Music Choices: Holiday, Jazz, and Acoustic Guitar and Piano Music.
  • Dolby 5.1 Surround Sound: Bask in the sounds of a real, cracklin’ fire.
  • No Black Bars: Ambient Fire always fills your entire screen.
  • Three (3) hours: Over 3 hours of crystal clear video fireplaces.

Okay, so all that stuff sounds pretty cool, not that impressive afterall, but the one thing that blew my mind, beyond the different styles of fires they had: ghetto fires, and a fire that looks like it was lit by a child (which sucks), they also had something way way way way incredible…


Yup. They now have candles that smell like burning wood. That may not sound too appealing but it definitely fills the room and if you add some pine scent, together this might equal Christmas.

The Grinch says it isn’t the who who’s and the frou fou’s that make Christmas, but I say it certainly can’t hurt. Unless you burn your place down.

Get your own scented candles and awesome fireplace DVD.

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1 Response to “Fireplace technology goes to the LCD with the infamous video fireplace”

  1. 1 fireplace video Nov 11th, 2012 at 11:13 PM

    I love fireplace videos.It looks relaxing and gives a warm feeling into a room.I like listening to it.Makes me forget my problems sometimes.

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