Fight global warming with this global warming ice cube tray

Global Warming Ice Cube Tray

When things start to heat up at your party and all your ladies are crying, just break the ice with these awesome global warming ice cube trays and you’ll be an instant hero.

But nah, I dunno. Something about seeing the whole world frozen in ice gives me the chills. No pun intended, its like a modern day ice age in there.

Okay, I lied. Everything above, totally pun intended.

Get your global warming ice cube tray here

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2 Responses to “Fight global warming with this global warming ice cube tray”

  1. 1 Fernando Jun 7th, 2010 at 11:30 PM

    Is that sold somewhere?

  2. 2 onemoregadget Jun 10th, 2010 at 10:44 PM

    You bet! The post has been updated with a link on where to buy the ice cube tray.

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