F-You Rain! A new umbrella that gives rain the bird

Yup. Now you can get back at the rain by telling it to F-Off. Flip it the bird, tell it where to stick it.

This cool new umbrella also has another purpose too. How many times have you been on the subway and wanted to say something to that annoying woman with the purple coat and large wooden staff who mutters to herself the entire time while sitting uncomfortably close to your personal space? But you just didn’t know how to say it the right way without offending anyone.

Well the solution is easy. Just open it up in her face and block out the noise. Add a spin for extra effect and then go about your business.

fuck the rain umbrella

Here’s the umbrella from the rains perspective. Yeah exactly. That’s the last time it’ll come bother you again and that new hair style of yours. Looks great by the way.

Hit the jump for more info and how to get your very own flipping umbrella

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1 Response to “F-You Rain! A new umbrella that gives rain the bird”

  1. 1 K. Dude Oct 10th, 2009 at 11:35 AM


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