Eye candy! A Tricky Halloween T-Shirt that lights up at night

Check out this sweet shirt. It’s an equalizer t-shirt that lights up at night when you speak to it or play some music. Nice!

Each shirt takes 4 AAA batteries and comes with a volume control that adjusts sound sensitivity for the best visual effects. It’s a great idea for DJ’s, halloween parties or even answering the door and surprising those trick-or-treaters. Sweet sweet eye candy.

This t-shirt doesn’t look all too spectacular in daylight, but it definitely looks awesome at night. Check out the video below to see the light-up Pumpkin in action! {Buy It}


Get your own Pumpkin Shirt here

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3 Responses to “Eye candy! A Tricky Halloween T-Shirt that lights up at night”

  1. 1 Kichuachu Feb 6th, 2012 at 9:24 AM

    You soluhd offer kid sizes as well, esp. for a shirt like this. Or at least offer X-small women’s.

  2. 2 ipqczh Feb 7th, 2012 at 1:21 AM

    BLdQpJ ujrrhtizyoay

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