Et Tu, Brute? It’s the Ultimate Assassin’s Weapon

ice cube assassins weapon ice dagger

You’d have to be pretty cold-hearted to use one of these ice daggers. Unless it’s in your drink, then you’d just end up with a sore throat.

assassins weapon ice mold

Some smart and sinister devilish inventer came up with this ice cube tray that creates the perfect weapon. A dagger that eventually melts once it’s been used, disappearing and leaving no evidence behind.

Wow that’s intense. And here I was just thinking it was the perfect ice cube for a Bloody Mary or maybe a Caesar? But besides that, what fool actually leaves the weapon behind?

Won’t name names.


Get your own Ultimate Assassins Weapon Ice Mold here

*Hey people, don’t actually stab someone with one of these. It will hurt.
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14 Responses to “Et Tu, Brute? It’s the Ultimate Assassin’s Weapon”

  1. 1 OneMoreGadget Jul 20th, 2011 at 7:32 PM

    Nothing wrong with feeling like that. And really, something tells me they will be making a real ice cube tray for this real soon.

  2. 2 Andrew Mar 11th, 2012 at 9:32 PM

    What won’t they make out of ice these days? Pretty cool stuff, looks like it could bring the pain…

  3. 3 ffs Sep 4th, 2013 at 9:13 AM

    “like the salads”?????? facepalm

    i give up hope.

  4. 4 OneMoreGadget Sep 4th, 2013 at 11:27 AM

    Not the salads! Caesars are also drinks, not just salads. Don’t give up home my man. There’s always light at the end of the internet.

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