Don’t be a cry baby, use some macho tissues and quit whining

Macho Man Tissues

Here is something that is truly all about the packaging, but also has a little extra inside as well. The macho tissues are heavy duty tissues for the anti-wimps. They are extra large, extra strong tissues for all those manly needs. Like one time I took a bullet in the groin. I’m not going to whine here, but I needed one of those Macho Tissues.

Here’s a brief guide on when it’s OKAY and when it’s NOT okay to use a Macho Tissue:

• When you sit in your computer chair and accidentally heel yourself in the nuts – It’s okay to use Macho Tissues.
• When your girlfriend demands you watch Bridget Jones’ Diary for the 11th time – it’s NOT okay to use Macho Tissues. The movie sucks.
• When your impressing a girl by sliding down a bannister and accidentally crush your nards in the process – Trick Question! It’s NOT okay to use Macho Tissues. Pretend it doesn’t hurt until she vacates the premises and then use your Macho Tissues to wipe your tears.
• When you saw Star Wars Episode One and realized you had to watch an entire movie with Jar Jar Binks in it – Macho Tissues.

Okay basically anything that feels like a heavy impact to the nuts is an acceptable time to use your Macho Tissues.

But also, it goes without saying, if you are man and you have a man cold, you better get a few boxes.

Quit Whining! Get your own Macho Tissues right here

Quit Whining

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1 Response to “Don’t be a cry baby, use some macho tissues and quit whining”

  1. 1 Jackie Nov 21st, 2012 at 9:33 PM


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