Cool gadget, a pure silicone sound amplifier for the iPhone 4S

iPhone Amp


Last time we checked out an amplifier for an iPhone, now here’s one that’s a little different and 100% silicone. Used to enhance and amplify the sound of your phone, the Apple iPhone 4 Sound Amplifier uses old-fashioned acoustical science. Kinda like the Sinatra of iPhone stands.

This sound amplifier adds up to 12 decibels of sound pressure to your iPhone 4’s speakers. With no wires to attach or power outlets, you can enjoy loud and clear sound without any battery power.

Simply slip it into your iPhone and enjoy your music. And yes, in case you haven’t noticed, it also doubles as a pretty sweet stand which is perfect for watching movies with way better sound.

iPhone Silicone Amplifier


GET IT ON SALE! Oops, too loud? Get it on sale right here

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