Archive for the 'Water' Category

Look like a total douche but get around quick with the Hydrofoil Water Scooter

The most environmentally friendly mode of transportation for the water, this surely beats those ugly water bikes with those big yellow wheels. The original design was made from some dudes in Australia, inspired by the way a Kangaroo jumped. All it takes to get this Hydrofoil skimming across the water is hopping up and down.

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The Transparent Canoe – Kayak puts the fear of drowning in any man

{Buy It} I’m not sure if anyone ever thought about actually wanting to see the scary monsters that swim underneath your boat while you were on the ocean. But in case you have, these guys have made one.

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7 grand to get sea sick with the Gentle Wave Lounge

The Gentle Wave lounge is a chair. A chair with a price tag of $7000.00. I’m not sure if I would be willing to pay 7 grand to replicate the feeling of being on the ocean, but apparently those geniuses at NASA

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Color Nutrient and Moisturizing Crystals for Vases, Moms, and Girlfriends

I was a little skeptical about these little things. Little tiny specs of colored circle thingies in a suspicious green bag. You cut it open and pour them into a vase that has water in them. After waiting a half hour – just one little bag fills up an entire vase. They come in all […]

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