Archive for the 'USB' Category

Cassette tapes are making a comeback, USB style

This nifty idea to turn retro cassette tapes into mix tapes using a USB stick is genius. Each “tape” can hold up to 1 gig of music to make a “mix tape” for that perfect someone.   They come in 6 awesomely realistic styles with space to write all the names of your tunes in […]

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Perfect for traveling with all your devices, it’s a mini Solar Powered Battery

This Solar Powered iPod/iPhone Charger is perfect for traveling. It’s small enough to fit in your pocket and works as a backup battery while on the go. Charge time using the sun is about 7 hours, and after a couple hours it gives enough juice to power any device for emergency use. This battery can […]

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Free world-wide shipping gadget website,, adds new Affiliate Program is quickly growing to be one of the most popular online gadget stores in the world. Offering free world-wide shipping for some of the coolest gadgets around, they also have some other unique features that make them one of the best: • They actually test each product before it’s shipped • They accept several […]

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Guest Post: The Top 10 Door Crasher Gifts for Christmas 2010

10. Sony Vaio If you have older children, or if you just need one yourself, there is a high likelihood that you’ll need to be browsing for laptops or netbooks this festive season.  The Sony Vaio is set to be one of the best sellers in the laptop world due to its fantastic specs and […]

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