Archive for the 'Travel' Category

The Bucket Seat Bicycle is comfortable for any ass

The Bucket Seat Bicycle reminds me of those people that go outside wearing pajama bottoms and think they are setting some sort of new trend. If you wear sandals and socks, fart in public and cut in line at the grocery store, this bike might be your style. 17″ wide stylez. Now I’m not saying […]

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Origami Colander

This origami colinder is pretty sweet. It can be folded up very easily to fit in any cupboard or shelf in your kitchen. Whenever you need it just flip it out and pop it up and lock it into place. Presto! I also like the fact that this is the first ever kitchen colander that […]

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Saving ideas in the shower, the AquaNotes Waterproof Notepad

The first ever waterproof notepad! Well it’s about time. It’s not every day you see the “first” of something, normally people’s ideas are watered down and taken from something else, but this is a pretty original idea AND it’s recyclable. I like it. Now you can take that notepad of yours with you everywhere, in […]

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The 19 mph skateboard brings us one step closer to the hoverboard

The electric skateboard is pretty rad. I appreciate this gadget even though I can’t stand on a skateboard for more than 2 seconds without falling on my butt. The coolest thing about this electric skateboard is that it will carry a 240 pound person uphill. I can’t think of all the times that I’ve wanted […]

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