Archive for the 'Transformers' Category

Gadget Deals of the Week

1. Rabbit Wall Lamp Night Light $11.10 2. Vans Shoe Sole iPhone 4 / 4s Case $4.00 3. Disappearing Ink Pen $1.50 4. Swing Improving Pitch and Putt Club $24.80 5. Autobots Silver Alloy Ring $3.60

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Transform your pants into a retro masterpiece with this belt buckle from DX

This fancy shmancy belt buckle comes in autobots or decepticons and guess what? It also holds a zippo! However, I find it quite disturbing carrying a lighter so close to my balls. But when I think about it, the potential for having great balls of fire might not be so bad. Get the Decepticons or […]

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The Ultimate Sports Car for really big fans, a Vancouver Canucks Dekotora

Yup. This is a truck. It takes one serious bad-ass fan to make something like this. I’m sure Optimus Prime tinkled a bit when he saw this truck. Okay, okay. It was me. But honestly, this fan-mobile makes Las Vegas look like desk lamp. If you haven’t heard of these by now, Dekotora is a […]

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Guest Post: The Top 10 Door Crasher Gifts for Christmas 2010

10. Sony Vaio If you have older children, or if you just need one yourself, there is a high likelihood that you’ll need to be browsing for laptops or netbooks this festive season.  The Sony Vaio is set to be one of the best sellers in the laptop world due to its fantastic specs and […]

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