Archive for the 'Toy' Category

What do you get when you combine Hello Kitty with…everything?

The answer? Some pretty crazy toy designs. A concept artist by the name of Joseph Senior created some interesting toy designs that combine pretty much everything with Hello Kitty. A short list includes characters from Star Wars, Daft Punk, Batman, Spiderman, Fantastic Four, Ghostbusters, Smurfs and Star Trek. Overall I think these are pretty well […]

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Duck Hunt Game for the Real Life

This game is pretty wicked. It’s a Duck Hunt game for the ‘real world’. One person shoots the gun – one person flies the duck. It also comes with a remote control for the duck so you can fly around. Just like the original Nintendo game the duck gently drops to the ground when it’s […]

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As you wished, it’s the Princess Bride Board Game

From a movie you’ve probably seen a thousand times comes a board game you can probably play a thousand times! It’s Storming the Castle: The Princess Bride Board Game straight from the Toy Vault! Hey man. You just stole my buttercup playing piece. Prepare to die. You can play this game with 2-4 friends, preferably […]

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Another bright idea – Glowing Bocce Balls

Glowing balls, nope, it’s not Christmas. It’s summer. And as long as it’s still warm out, why should the party stop when it gets dark? This glow-in-the-dark light up bocce ball set is saaaweeet. The balls feel like normal bocce balls, but they all light up with a bright LED light! And each one can […]

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