The Bucket Seat Bicycle reminds me of those people that go outside wearing pajama bottoms and think they are setting some sort of new trend. If you wear sandals and socks, fart in public and cut in line at the grocery store, this bike might be your style. 17″ wide stylez. Now I’m not saying […]
Archive for the 'Stupid' Category
The Bucket Seat Bicycle is comfortable for any ass
Published by OneMoreGadget in Gadget, Stupid and Travel.Not Vapoorize, but it’s real, it’s Poop Freeze
Published by OneMoreGadget in Gadget, Great Inventions, How To, Pet and Stupid.There is nothing more exciting to me than disappearing poop. That’s why this Poop Freeze is the bees knees. The cats ass so to speak. I wish they had mini portable cans of this stuff. I’d be walking around everywhere freezing poop that’s left behind on the sidewalk. We’re talkin’ good times here people. Good […]