Archive for the 'Stupid' Category

Pop one a day with a 2010 Bubble Wrap Calendar

I like this Calendar. It’s theraputic. But it’s also a true test of restraint. I really don’t think I could get through a whole year with popping only one a day. Unless I substituted my popping addiction, filled the void, so to speak, with something else. Like one of those chocolate-a-day calendars. Now we’re talking. […]

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Massager makes looking stupid feel awesome

It’s the OSIM uCrown 2 Soothing Head Massager. It has the latest air pressure technology, vibration, magnetic therapy, heat, and now music, and it’s still something I don’t want. Look at her, she looks ridiculous. Check this guy out: Sure, I realize that this is probably for personal use in the comfort of your very […]

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Instructional Toilet Paper

Okay. Hold on a second here. Instructional toilet paper. How can this possibly make any sense? Yah, I was thinking that too. I imagined this product going in my home. But I recently was forced to partake in a short but essential visit to a downtown public washroom and realized that ah yes, step 5 […]

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Not as good as Vapoorize but smells like victory, the Pootrap

The Pootrap is a website worth checking out, just for the awesomeness of the instructional video. Without talking about the state of the art harness, and the custom fit for your dog, I’m going to describe the Pootrap to you in real simple terms: 1. It’s a bag you attach to your dogs butt. 2. […]

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