Archive for the 'Plants' Category

Grow carnivorous plants right on your desktop

Now you can be the envy of every person that has always wanted a Venus Fly Trap – and have every single carnivorous plant on the planet to boot. This awesome little plant dome includes: Venus Fly Trap Yellow Trumpet Hooded Pitcher Plant Purple Pitcher Plant Pale Trumpet Temperate Sundew Plants Cobra Lillies All of […]

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Merry Christmas, its official, only 364 more days until Christmas

Okay, so it might take a couple of years, but think about this: a 2 inch Christmas tree next year probably won’t result in you moving furniture. This will fit in your living room, and most likely have that Christmas Tree scent. Unless you live in a shoe box. Then it will just smell like […]

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Eco-friendly speakers with plants look like Luke Skywalkers house

They call it a SoundGarden. Not the band Sound Garden, but a garden with little speakers. Each one connects to each other and projects the sound out of the available space. Very nice table top design. Hit the jump for more photos and info on this product

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Color Nutrient and Moisturizing Crystals for Vases, Moms, and Girlfriends

I was a little skeptical about these little things. Little tiny specs of colored circle thingies in a suspicious green bag. You cut it open and pour them into a vase that has water in them. After waiting a half hour – just one little bag fills up an entire vase. They come in all […]

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