Archive for the 'Plants' Category

Comfy garden pillows that rock

These rocks are not rocks. They are actually really comfy seat pillows. Made for the outdoors with water-resistant wool by a designer in South Africa, they are the perfect compliment to any yard. Or rock garden. See more felted Stone Wool Pillows here

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Solar pots will grow by day and glow by night

These pots are pretty sweet. They hook up to a solar panel and charge during the day so they can glow all night. I can’t speak for the plants, but they look pretty happy to be doing that photosynthesis business all night long, all night long. All night. Lionel Richie stylez. Features: 6 LED lights […]

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Perfect for gardners, the watering can salt and pepper shakers

We always like creative salt and pepper shakers, like the ying yang hugging ghosts, or even the battery salt and pepper shakers that we reviewed before. These shakers work quite well since watering cans were made to pour, but go easy on the salt, or you might end up pushing up daisies! Get your Watering […]

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Botanical air purifers use plants to clean the air

If this invention isn’t enviro-friendly, I don’t know what is. These small botanical air purifers use the same principal in how one would attempt to make oxygen on Mars. Sorta. Basically the air purifiers grow the plants inside and then cycle fresh air out while enhancing the absorption of stale air in from the room. […]

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