Archive for the 'Novelty' Category

The manliest coffee mug of all-time, The Hand Grenade Coffee Mug

Here she is. The manliest coffee mug of all-time. Sure, that powdered coffee you put in there might just be powdered coffee, but it might just be gun powder. And if they think it’s gun powder, let ’em. Because you are a man. And this is the manliest coffee mug of all-time. This mug can […]

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Making sweet sweet music has it’s own rules, with this awesome musical ruler

    Well here you have it. Possibly one of the best adaptations to a regular office supply we have ever seen, it’s the official, authentic, musical ruler. And trust me on this one, this gadget totally rules. This musical ruler comes with instructions and mini lessons on how to be the master ruler player. […]

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Normally I’d put a bird on it, but in this case I’ll accept a Pickle or Bacon Bandage

You know what I always say? If your body is achin’ – grab some bacon. If you cut yourself a mean slice, you better ham it up with these awesome bacon bandages. Each tin comes with 15 sterile strips of bacon delight, perfectly seasoned for those little ouchies. Get your bacon bandages here It’s not […]

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Not dull at all! Pinhead Pushpins are perfect for sticking it to the man

These Pinhead Pushpins are super fun thumbtacks for the office cork board. One might imagine them to resemble the aftermath of shooting your boss out of a cannon. Probably less messy. Ignore the fact that Pinhead is the scarey dude from Hellraiser, instead I’ve looked into other things that are in fact pinheads as well: […]

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