Archive for the 'Music' Category

Sound Master Dancing Water Speakers are like being at Disneyland but smaller, and wetter

These Sound Master Dancing Water Speakers are awesome! Simply plug these very sweet USB speakers to your computer, kick up the music and watch your very own water light show blow your mind. It’s almost exactly like being at Disneyland. Okay, not exactly. I emphasize almost, but it comes pretty close. And since I can’t […]

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Listen up and you could WIN a Pair of Beats By Dr. Dre Ear Buds in this Sponsored Contest

Odds are you’ve heard of Dr Dre Tour in-ear earphones. Whether it’s because you’re a music junkie and have to have the best possible sound on the go or you got them with your HTC One X or you even heard about them from the TV commercials. These are said to be the next big […]

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Wiretap and Rockit are headphone splitters with smarter capabilities

These handy little dongles are mic-headphone splitters called the Wiretap and the Rockit. The splitters are dongle-style, compact, very well made and quite durable! Each dongle has it’s own special function. The Wiretap splits one headphone to two, while preserving microphone functionality on one side. Why might you need this? Well check it out: • […]

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Making sweet sweet music has it’s own rules, with this awesome musical ruler

    Well here you have it. Possibly one of the best adaptations to a regular office supply we have ever seen, it’s the official, authentic, musical ruler. And trust me on this one, this gadget totally rules. This musical ruler comes with instructions and mini lessons on how to be the master ruler player. […]

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