Archive for the 'Memory' Category

Finally, a way cool Wi-Fi digital picture frame

Finally, something that was designed to look good and function the way it should. An 8″ wifi (wireless) digital picture frame totally makes me a happy boy. Now you can easily send your photos to your picture frame through many awesome ways: You get a unique e-mail address that you OR your friends can email […]

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SD / MiniSD / MMC / MicroMMC / MicroSD / MS / MSDUO / XD Card Reader basically reads everything

Or claims to. But when I bought this multi-purpose card reader I still felt somewhat ripped off even paying only 5 dollars. Sure, it looks cool. It looks like a little mini remote, but it’s pretty flimsy and feeble. Apparently these work fine on a PC but is a little sketchy with iPhoto. A trick […]

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SDHC USB 2.0 Card Reader reads cards in a snap

I didn’t really need an SDHC USB 2.0 card reader but when I saw they came in orange and purple I instantly became another customer. When the day finally came and I got my card reader in the mail, I learned they also came in beige. Beige. So I’m going to talk a little bit […]

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Olympus stylus under water camera shoots panorama

I was pretty choaked that after buying my Olympus Stylus 850sw underwater camera that I would have to buy a special almost extinct XD memory card in order to use the panorama function. So I bought a rip off instead. Basically the camera is programmed to take panorama shots ONLY if you have the olympus […]

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