Archive for the 'Love' Category

LOS! Magnetic Lamps are bizarre, insane, levitating lamps and I want one

Levitating Lamps. Yup. They did it. They finally freakin’ did it. Lamps that levitate may possibly be the next coolest product improvement since the picklepop. In our opinion of course. LOS! Lamps are slick ultra-contemporary designs with funky style and amazing function. Not only do they provide light, they also use magnets to float. IN […]

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Get free guitar picks for life with this awesome invention, the Pickmaster

It’s a new invention that’s somewhat undiscovered, but it’s going to be BIG! And yes, in case you were wondering, it was the word “Free” that really struck a chord with me. This lovely idea here is kind of like a stapler, kind of like a hole punch, but better. Way better. It’s the Pickmaster […]

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Show her love by giving her some wood. Carving your own Postcard, of course

Nothing says love like a crafty gift that you made all by yourself. Carving your initials in a tree is so old fashioned. Now with this wooden postcard you can take the time, tell her how you feel and really leave a lasting impression. Each postcard is soft enough to carve anything you want easily […]

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