Archive for the 'Love' Category

Board of traveling? Uncork the world with this awesome Cork Board Map

Check out this awesome product! It’s a Cork Board Map for your room or office. The perfect way to rub all those fancy vacations in your coworkers faces, or share those wonderful memories, whichever you prefer. This Cork Board Map comes with 16 self adhesive map pieces and 16 map pins so you can start […]

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Possibly the coolest evolution of the sticky note, ever. Handy Notes

Handy notes. Single-handedly giving regular sticky notes a back hand slap! These sticky notes are designed to literally be a hand-up on the competition. When you write a note you can choose which hand signal to show. Whether it be a wave hello, a point to the dressing in a the fridge or even flipping […]

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Some of the best gadgets are teeny, like the little sprout bookmark

Introducing the little sprout bookmark. I love it. It’s such a fresh idea and a new take on bookmarks. The little sprout bookmark makes that old book feel new again by giving it a little green. It folds up perfectly when you close the book and holds your page open in place while you read. […]

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Punch me straight in the heart, this is awesome, a Heart Hole Punch

Holy Heart Punch Batman! Is this what I think it is? Yes it is! This quality hole punch is not only useful, it’s the perfect office accessory for your Valentine. Just think, every paper you punch will be filled with the perfect little hearts instead of those boring circles. Circles are so lame. Honestly. I […]

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