Archive for the 'Lights' Category

Supernova Powerball is an intense light workout

There’s been a lot of famous balls in history, Mad Balls, Dragonballz, Lucille Ball. But none have provided as much exercise and entertainment as Powerballs.   Powerballs are the ultimate palm size exercise machine. They are great for working out your grip and forearms. After using one for a few weeks I can safely say […]

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Here’s the real map to the stars that totally glows in the dark

No, I’m not talking about directions to Ryan Goslings house. I’m talking about a real Star Map. Yup, the final frontier. When it comes to maps anyway. It’s the Glow-In-The-Dark Star Map! A beautifully designed map of the constellations. It’s a thing of beauty. C’est magnifique! That’s french for awesome. I couldn’t remember my Klingon […]

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Hi! Little Silicone Voice Recorder replaces the sticky note with digital notes that are sticky

Here’s a cool one. This nifty little gadget is called Hi! It’s a soft touch voice recorder made to record all your little notes. The entire back is magnetic so you can stick it on your fridge and leave fun or important notes for other household members. Or a dog I suppose, if he’s button […]

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Sound Master Dancing Water Speakers are like being at Disneyland but smaller, and wetter

These Sound Master Dancing Water Speakers are awesome! Simply plug these very sweet USB speakers to your computer, kick up the music and watch your very own water light show blow your mind. It’s almost exactly like being at Disneyland. Okay, not exactly. I emphasize almost, but it comes pretty close. And since I can’t […]

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