Archive for the 'Kitchen' Category

Creative Kitchen Tea Towels make the perfect gifts

  Here are some Tea Towels that are sure to spruce up the kitchen. These beautifully designed and packaged tea towels are not only useful but make the perfect gift for someone you love. Even though I am tempted to buy one of these for myself, the Mary Poppins tea towel should definitely go to […]

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Yellow Submarine Tea Infuser

This cool tea infuser made the list of our Hottest Tea Infusers ever. Probably because it’s pretty awesome, and it’s a submarine. All you have to do is shove your leaves in, close the door and submerge this sucker and then presto! Tea time! After a few minutes you’ll have some tasty tea. It even […]

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Trouble deciding what to have for lunch? Use a Lunchtime Wheel of Fortune

This cool gadget helps me decide what to have for lunch every day. It always knows, it’s always right. And because it’s a wheel of fortune, I can’t argue with it and I can’t spin again. I must obey the wheel. Or else. Damn. I’ve eaten coffee and cigarettes for 7 straight days now. I’m […]

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The Greatest List of the Coolest Tea Infusers Around

Introducing our ever-growing list of The Coolest Tea Infusers Around! Follow us on Twitter to find out when new ones are added to the list. 1. Sharky Tea Infuser We’re going to need a bigger cup. The Sharky Tea Infuser is sure to cause some ‘agony of the leaves’. He floats around the surface of […]

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