Here’s a cool kitchen gadget for those bakers out there. This soft rubber stamp is perfect for showing off your awesome baking abilities. It even comes with a comfortable wooden handle so you can stamp cookies ’til your hearts content. Speaking from experience, the next time I bring my gingersnaps to work I’ll be needing […]
Archive for the 'Kitchen' Category
Give your Homemade cookies a real stamp of approval
Published by OneMoreGadget in Classic, Decorate, For the Ladies, Gadget, Kitchen and SuckUK.A Bottle Opener Fridge Magnet that’s awesome
Published by OneMoreGadget in Gadget, Kitchen and SuckUK.This Bottle Opener Fridge Magnet from SuckUK is always the talk of the party. It’s simple and sleek design fits anywhere on your fridge perfectly. Just Stick It, Drop It and Pop It. Presto. You just opened your bottle and looked pretty darn cool doing it. The Bottle Opener Fridge Magnet comes in Stainless Steel, […]
A good idea that holds up, iPhone app fridge magnets
Published by OneMoreGadget in Apple, Design, Gadget, iPad, iPhone, iPod and Kitchen.Here are some pretty cool magnets for those Apple Fanboys and Fangirls. Each set contains 18 high quality fridge magnets of all your favorite desktop iPhone apps. They are about 0.85″ square and look identical to the iPhone app logos: SMS, iCalendar, Photos, Camera, YouTube, Stocks, Maps, Weather, Clock, Calculator, Notes, Preferences, iTunes, Apps Store, […]
Gingerbread Men go ninja, it’s Ninjabread Men!
Published by OneMoreGadget in Candy, Christmas, Design, Gadget, Great Inventions, Kitchen and Wish List.These ninjabread men are another ingenious gadget idea from Fred and Friends. Basically they took the delicious Gingerbread man and got him cut out for action! Now that’s a feisty cookie! I have to say, the best part is when they act out a scene from Kill Bill. It’s a delicious massacre. Now all we […]