Archive for the 'Ice' Category

Chill bots silicone ice cube tray

When I’m stressed out and need to unwind I grab myself a tasty refreshment and take it easy. But when I’m impressing the ladies I whip out my retro wind-up robotic ice cubes and make it icy. Real icy. Retro stylez. Ohhh yeaaah. Chillbots are pretty awesome as far as Ice Cubes Go. We’ve seen […]

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Snowboard uphill with the Gas Powered Snowboard

This one is tempting. Forget lineups for the chairlift this winter. Leave those suckers behind. This awesome gadget lets you take the chairlift DOWN the mountain and snowboard uphill. I’m also liking the fact this totally matches my ski outfit. It’s pretty much the same shape as my jacket. It’s Gortex. Get your own Gas […]

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Perfect when hitting the clubs, it’s the Golf Club Drink Dispenser

This invention is actually pretty useful. The golf club holds enough liquid for you to be chugging away for an entire round. Round of golf that is. However, if you are a pro, I think this counts as another club in your bag, which means you’ll be disqualified, but not dehydrated! And seriously folks, make […]

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Et Tu, Brute? It’s the Ultimate Assassin’s Weapon

You’d have to be pretty cold-hearted to use one of these ice daggers. Unless it’s in your drink, then you’d just end up with a sore throat. Some smart and sinister devilish inventer came up with this ice cube tray that creates the perfect weapon. A dagger that eventually melts once it’s been used, disappearing […]

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