Archive for the 'Green' Category

The Tea Rex Tea Infuser has tasty tea making down to a T

Ah yes, the Tea-Rex, an instant classic. It’s like the dark ages all over again. Good ole Rex is the Earl Grey kinda guy, yup he’s really into those black teas. He’ll jump into anything that reminds him of the tar pits. This cool tea infuser is made out of 100% cooking grade silicone and […]

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Charge up on awesome, USB Rechargeable AA Batteries

Yup, they finally did it. AA USB Batteries. They work like real Double-A batteries but you just plug them into your USB port after to charge ’em up. Genius! Guys, I gotta say, I’m quite enjoying these batteries. I never have to worry about where I put the old battery charger ever again and I […]

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Some of the best gadgets are teeny, like the little sprout bookmark

Introducing the little sprout bookmark. I love it. It’s such a fresh idea and a new take on bookmarks. The little sprout bookmark makes that old book feel new again by giving it a little green. It folds up perfectly when you close the book and holds your page open in place while you read. […]

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Green Aid fights the war on plastic with a resusable bag in a portable plush grenade

These days everyone should be aware about the use of plastic bags. With big companies still handing them out it’s really up to us to make a difference. Did you know the average person uses and throws away 290 plastic bags in a year? That’s insane! Green Aid is a handy little gadget that makes […]

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