Archive for the 'Gift Ideas' Category

Another trip to scratch off the list with this way cool Scratch Map

Introducing the Scratch Map. It’s a wall map that’s designed to look like a travelers map from a long time ago. The neat feature about this map is that every country in the world is labeled and covered with a coating that can be scratched off once you have visited the area. It has that […]

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What floats, looks like a boat and cleans nails? A Boat Nail Brush, obviously

Set course for clean cuticles and smooth sailing! This nifty nail brush not only looks like a boat, it floats like one too! It’s perfect for the bathtub or your kitchen sink and needless to say it will be the perfect gift for your shipmates. When the Captain calls for all hands on deck, we […]

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Dr Cool and Dr Hot Thermal Packs

These may look like the medical plasma bags you’d find in a hospital but they’re not. They are something so much cooler. Literally. Dr Cool and Dr Hot are actually thermal packs designed to help you recover from your aches and pains from a hard days work or a long night out. Dr Cool can […]

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Yellow Submarine Tea Infuser

This cool tea infuser made the list of our Hottest Tea Infusers ever. Probably because it’s pretty awesome, and it’s a submarine. All you have to do is shove your leaves in, close the door and submerge this sucker and then presto! Tea time! After a few minutes you’ll have some tasty tea. It even […]

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