Archive for the 'Gift Ideas' Category

Plant some ingredients and watch them grow, it’s the Blooming Cupcakes Baking Kit

Gardening and Baking have joined forces! Take your green thumb to the kitchen and start baking some plants! Hmm, that reminds me of the last time I baked some plants. Where were the cupcakes when I needed them then? Hunh?! Hunh?! Tell me! Where? Where? What. Okay I’m calm now. Don’t worry, the eye twitch […]

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The manliest coffee mug of all-time, The Hand Grenade Coffee Mug

Here she is. The manliest coffee mug of all-time. Sure, that powdered coffee you put in there might just be powdered coffee, but it might just be gun powder. And if they think it’s gun powder, let ’em. Because you are a man. And this is the manliest coffee mug of all-time. This mug can […]

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Making sweet sweet music has it’s own rules, with this awesome musical ruler

    Well here you have it. Possibly one of the best adaptations to a regular office supply we have ever seen, it’s the official, authentic, musical ruler. And trust me on this one, this gadget totally rules. This musical ruler comes with instructions and mini lessons on how to be the master ruler player. […]

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An Octopus in your mug is a real suction cup

Check it out. This Octopus Mug is 100% porcelain, dishwasher and microwave safe. It’s a thing of beauty really. It’s the perfect mug for someone that likes to enjoy about 8 cups of coffee a day just to feel alive. Yah you know who you are. 8 legs, 8 cups. Make sense. Yup! Every day […]

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