Archive for the 'Gadget' Category

Keep your iPad snugg with the perfect case

The Snugg Case for the iPad Air is one classy looking executive case. I was lucky enough to check this case out and see the details for myself. With a wide selection of colours to choose from, the Call of Duty Soldier in me ended up selecting this awesome digital camouflage design and if you want this I […]

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Fire Escape Wall Shelf puts a little New York in your home

This Fire Escape Wall Shelf is sure to add some urban character to your home.  It also makes a pretty nice spice rack or small shelf for your plants. Made out of wrought iron. Looks really cool paired with these awesome urban planters. Find it on Urban Outfitters or

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Possibly the mightiest PEZ dispenser you’ve never seen – The Emilo Peztevez

Okay, so you probably aren’t going to see this Pez dispenser on the shelves any time soon. But when the whole world finds out about this you’re going to wish you had come up with it first. Too bad. I did. One More Gadget 1, World 0.

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It ain’t rocket science. Boil water anywhere with The SunRocket Solar Water Heater

It might not be rocket science, but there’s definitely some science working here in this useful gadget. Introducing The SunRocket, a portable solar hot water kettle and thermos. The SunRocket uses the latest in solar thermal technology allowing it to heat up water and retain the heat for hours without the use of any electricity […]

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