Archive for the 'For the Ladies' Category

Give your Homemade cookies a real stamp of approval

Here’s a cool kitchen gadget for those bakers out there. This soft rubber stamp is perfect for showing off your awesome baking abilities. It even comes with a comfortable wooden handle so you can stamp cookies ’til your hearts content. Speaking from experience, the next time I bring my gingersnaps to work I’ll be needing […]

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Touch Screen Stylus Pencil saves people with stumpy thumbs

This stylus is pretty cool. Not only does it look like a pencil, it’s made of a conductive rubber that works just like your finger. I once knew a girl that couldn’t use an iPhone because she had stumpy thumbs and could never reach the middle parts of the screen. Sounds made-up doesn’t it? Well […]

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Show her love by giving her some wood. Carving your own Postcard, of course

Nothing says love like a crafty gift that you made all by yourself. Carving your initials in a tree is so old fashioned. Now with this wooden postcard you can take the time, tell her how you feel and really leave a lasting impression. Each postcard is soft enough to carve anything you want easily […]

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WANDerful New Delights

Finally, fiction and fantasy meets the 21st century. Since the first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, J.K. Rowling’s seven-book series and eventual box office hit has been the hype of every adolescent boy and smitten girl and it’s true, every fanatical adult along the way. And ever since the Fairy Godmother dazzled us […]

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