Archive for the 'Fan' Category

Famous Cars from TV and the Movies

One of our favorite kinds of things are all the gadget-filled cars from TV and the Movies. Here’s  the Greatest List of our favorite Top 17 Gadget-Filled Cars from Hollywood. Oh yeah, and if you happen to be the owner of a movie car, please contact us, we have something for you! 17. James Bond […]

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Well I’m a fan – The New Fanaway Ceiling Fan with Retractable Blades is awesome

If you are anything like me you probably hate ceiling fans. Well I did, until I saw this great invention. Fanaway Ceiling Fans are designed to retract so they look sleek, contemporary, stay dust-free and most importantly, don’t look like a ceiling fan at all. When the fan is turned on, the spinning motion brings […]

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Apple ready and set to take over the HDTV world

Rumors have been flying around for some time that Apple will be entering the HDTV market early as March 2012. An even more detailed rumor is that they will be releasing three models of their new televisions, 40″, 46″ and 52″ televisions being the likely sizes. But only time will tell if these rumors are […]

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The Ultimate Sports Car for really big fans, a Vancouver Canucks Dekotora

Yup. This is a truck. It takes one serious bad-ass fan to make something like this. I’m sure Optimus Prime tinkled a bit when he saw this truck. Okay, okay. It was me. But honestly, this fan-mobile makes Las Vegas look like desk lamp. If you haven’t heard of these by now, Dekotora is a […]

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